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31. Andersen S. The struggle over North Sea oil and gas: governmental strategies in Denmark, Britain and Norway. — Oslo: Scandinavian University press, 1993, 211 p.
32. Archer C. Sogner I. Norway, European and Atlantic Security. — London, 1998, 300p..
33. Arena M. Shank I. Shipbuilding and Force Structure analysis tool. — Oslo, 2003,247 p.
34. Bjerkholt O., Lorentsen L., Strom S. Using the oil and gas revenue: the Norvégien case. — Oslo, 1982, 321 p.
35. Brekke K.A. Optimal oil production and use of oil revenues under uncertain oil prices. — Oslo: University of Oslo, 1990, 280 p.
36. Business and industry in Norway. — Oslo: Ministry of trade and industry, 2003, 142 p.
37. Energy in Norway. // Inf. Agency "Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer", 2002, 178 P.
38. Enger A., Flatebo E., Ostenfor E. International diversification for Norwegian investors: a study on the performance of the optimal equity portfolio, based on Norway and the G—5 countries, versus the purely Norwegian portfolio. — Sandvika: Forfatterne, 2003,241 p.
39. Evensen J. Modern trends in oil politics. — Hattroit-Watts university, 1973, 359 p.
40. Facts about the Norwegian Fisheries Industry 2003. — Oslo: Norges Fiskarlag, 2003, 97 p.
41. Hansen T. Companies adoptation to host government researsh and development: The foreign oil companies under the Norwegian technology Agreements. — Oslo: The research council of Norway, 1999,162 p.
42. Hansen S., Jespersen P., Rasmussen I. Towards a sustainable economy: the application of ecological premises to long-term planning in Norway. — New York, St. Martin's Press, 2000, 341 p.
43. Moses J. Open states: Norwegian Macroeconomic policy-making in a changing global economy. — Oslo: BI, 2002,176 p.
44. Noreng 0. Comments to the Norwegian government Petroleum Policy. — Oslo: BI, 1999, 209 p.
45. Noreng 0. Petroleum taxation in Norway. — Oslo: BI, 1999, 329 p.
46. Noreng 0. The oil industry and government strategy in the North Sea. — London: Groom Helm, 1980, 235 p.
47. Official Energy Statistics from the U.S. Government. — Washington, Energy Information Administration, 2002, 543 p.
48. Official Energy Statistics from the U.S. Government. — Washington, Energy Information Administration, 2003, 564 p.
49. Perdikaris S. From chiefly provisioning to state capital ventures: the transition from natural to market economy and the commercialization of cod fisheries in medieval arctic Norway. — New York: City University of New York, 1998, 187 P-.
50. This is Norway: what the figures say. — Oslo: RK Grafisk, 2003, 276 p.
51. World Bank. Annual Report. 2002, 116 p.
52. Manedsstatistikk over utenrikshandelen (Monthly bulletin of external trade). // Oslo: Statistisk sentralbyra, 2001, № 12, 78 p.
53. Manedsstatistikk over utenrikshandelen (Monthly bulletin of external trade). // Oslo: Statistisk sentralbyra 2002, № 12, 84 p.
54. Manedsstatistikk over utenrikshandelen (Monthly bulletin of external trade). // Oslo: Statistisk sentralbyra, 2003, № 1,91 p.
55. Manedsstatistikk over utenrikshandelen (Monthly bulletin of external trade). // Oslo: Statistisk sentralbyra, 2003, № 2, 81 p.
56. Ministry of Finance. Annual report 2003. — Oslo: Ministry of Finance, 2003, 76 p.
57. Ministry of fisheries. Annual report 2004. — Oslo: Ministry of Fisheries, 2004, 84 р..
58. Ministry of Trade and Industry. Annual report 2003. — Oslo: Ministry of Trade and Industry, 2003, 91 p.
59. Norges Bank. Semi-annual Memorandum. — Oslo: Norges Bank, January 2002, 185 p.
60. Norges Bank. Semi-annual Memorandum. — Oslo: Norges Bank, June 2002, 174 p.
61. Norges Bank. Semi-annual Memorandum. — Oslo: Norges Bank, January 2003,171 p.
62. Norges Bank. Semi-annual Memorandum. — Oslo: Norges Bank, June 2003, 180 p.
63. Norwegian oil and foreign policy. — Oslo, 1989,209 p.
64. Okonomiske analyzer. // Oslo 2002, № 12,76 p.
65. Okonomiske analyzer. // Oslo 2003, № 1, 71 p.
66. Okonomiske analyzer. // Oslo 2003, № 2, 83 p.
67. Okonomiske analyzer. // Oslo 2003, № 3, 85 p.
68. Okonomiske analyzer. // Oslo 2003, № 4,74 p.
69. Rattso J. Fiscal federalism and state-local finance. — Trondheim, 1998, 237 p.
70. Salvanes К., Forre S. Effects on employment of trade and technical change: evidence from Norway. — Oslo: Statistisk sentralbyra, 2003,240 p.
71. Statistical Yearbook 2003. — Oslo: Statistisk sentralbyra, 2003,1238 p.
72. Statoil. Annual report 1999. — Oslo, 1999, 94 p.
73. Statoil. Annual report 2000. — Oslo, 2000, 87 p.
74. Statoil. Annual report 2001. — Oslo, 2001,90 p.
75. Statoil. Annual report 2002. — Oslo, 2002, 86 p.
76. Statoil. Annual report 2003. — Oslo, 2003, 84 p.
77. Stortingsmeldings. — Oslo: Storting, 2001,107 p..
78. Norsk Hydro. Annual report 1999. — Oslo, 1999, 117 p.
79. Norsk Hydro. Annual report 2000. — Oslo, 2000,109 p.
80. Norsk Hydro. Annual report 2001. — Oslo, 2001,111 p.
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